Alaska 2010

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." Mark Twain

Sunday 1 August 2010

Wednesday July28

Got some gas, headed back to Mountainview Sports to complete my jacket purchases, then drove to Lake Hood to check out the float planes flying in and out. I've been thinking of doing the classic Alaskan fly out type fishing trip and I wanted to check things out. Turns out it's pretty expensive...and even many of the places the planes take you are, believe it or not, full of people. I'll probably let that idea die.

Time to clean......completely cleaned and organized the the truck and camper. Restocked some stuff at Wal-Mart. Did laundry at a laundromat conveniently located next to a fly shop. (Where that suspected silver salmon I caught the other day was properly identified as a pink salmon.) Then showered with the rec basketball players at a local community/rec center. The shower was seriously high pressured. That sucker nearly took my skin off. 3 bucks. It was the kind of shower where you needed to press the button every 10 seconds to keep the water flowing. There was this weird dude in there who made showering look like a ballet. It went something like this.......button-armup, pit- twirl-button-other arm up, pit-spin-button-face-spin-button-chest-dip-button-hair.....and so on. The dude was the Barishnakov of bubbles.

Watched some hoops afterward, typical teens, it's not about who's better, but who's one passes, ridiculous shots, etc.

Highlight of the day of cleanliness was a pizza shop called The Moose's Tooth, (corny). It was the first place to serve up a normal pizza at a normal price. Free refills to boot.

Need a cab in Anchorage? Hit the number 2....... seven times.

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