Alaska 2010

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." Mark Twain

Sunday 1 August 2010

Tuesday July 27

Back to civilization.....

Bought some more split shot at Sportsman's Warehouse in Anchorage. The guy at Sportsman's told me about a better shop for fishing stuff and he was right......Mountainview Sports. The KTP of Anchorage. They had the nicest outdoor clothing section, all the good stuff....Simms, Patagonia (Patagucci), Columbia, etc....the sale started tomorrow so I had them hold a few items under the counter until then.

Had a cheeseburger at this Coney Island type classic Anchorage burger joint called The Arctic RoadRunner. They had 8x10 photos on the walls of all their best customers, pretty weird but kinda cool I thought. Better the customers photo's then the owners hero shots.

Then, for a little luxury, I snuck into the pool at the posh local Embassy Suites, took a dip and worked on the blog. Not having a toilet in the camper, I've been in every kind of of bathroom, porto, outhouse, woods with leaves, etc. there is, and the bathroom in the Embassy Suites was the nicest so far on the trip. Actual cloth face towels to dry your hands with. It was comfortable.

Hit another ball game. Another one of those wacky 7pm double headers. There's a kid on the Oilers named Garrett Wittels who, when he returns to college, needs four more games with a hit to break the all time Div 1 baseball hitting streak. Former major leaguer Robin Ventura currently holds the record. You can Google Garrett Wittels if you want to read more. It's kind of a big deal I guess.

Also at the game was Hall of Fame pitcher Fergie Jenkins. He pitched for the Red Sox for a couple of seasons, but did his longest stints with the Cubs and the Texas Rangers. He had no less that 7, 20 win seasons. His stats are pretty staggering. He was firing up a bunch of local high school kids with some funny stories. Coolest thing about Fergie? He grew up in Ontario, Canada and is a huge Habs fan. He still plays men's league hockey.

There were about 10 fans left in the stands for the second game as it was getting pretty cold. The park gates were wide open and this neighborhood drunken woman and her boyfriend found their way into the seats. She was hammered and clueless about baseball so her guy was telling her all these things to yell. It was pretty much dead quiet in the place aside from her so she was making quite a scene. Even the players were laughing at her. It was pretty funny.....she eventually got tossed out of the park by none other that the home plate umpire. I'd never seen an umpire throw a fan out of a baseball game before. He took some serious heat from the remaining fans for doing it. She's the nutty looking one in the photo above.

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