Wednesday July 21
Decided to head south to the sea side town of Homer. I never made it.
Saw a neat little Russian church in the town of Ninilchik. There are a few areas in Alaska where there are communities of Ruski's. It makes sense I guess with Russia so close by.
Stopped at a fly shop and, as usual, left with a mission and a map scribbled on a scrap of paper. It was another opportunity to catch a fish I have never caught, the dolly varden. I proceeded to cast in the Anchor River for about 5 hours and caught 3 dollies. They were fairly handsome for a fish, beautiful pink spots on their backs. Good enough……at least I caught one. It was a neat little stretch of river a quarter of a mile or so from the ocean at Cook Inlet. Across Cook Inlet were these giant snow capped mountains, one of which, Mt. Redoubt, is an active volcano, last erupting in 2009. They made for quite a background for the fishing.
Inspired by the fly shop owner’s enthusiasm, I decided to go back to the Kenai River and fish it tomorrow for Red salmon (also called Sockeye). Every type of fish one catches requires a specific set-up of fly, sinkers, line, etc. I got what I think I needed at Fred Meyers and slept in the parking lot ready for tomorrow.
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